It is the intent of Pegasus to uphold the integrity and ethical conduct of our company as a participant in all internal and business activities. Pegasus has strived to gain a reputation for operating both lawfully and ethically. This reputation enables us to retain our current contracts and win new business and is key to the sustainability and longevity of our business.
As part of our commitment to operate with integrity we will periodically introduce additional policies and procedures to protect against unlawful activity and these will be adopted into our overall Compliance policy. We will regularly review and address any areas of our business that are susceptible to unlawful or questionable behaviours.
Our intention is that every employee of Pegasus understands and complies with our policies and acts at all times with integrity, honesty and fairness in every element their business activities. We expect that everyone representing Pegasus in any way commit to adhering to the following commitments:-
Pegasus will not condone any questionable, criminal, unsafe or discriminatory act by employees or others involved with the business. The reputation of our company could be damaged by even one instance of the above and our long term sustainability jeopardised. We operate an open door policy to allow everyone to report any suspected breach of the above in complete confidence. Failure to report a suspected compliance breach and to knowingly allow one to continue could lead to disciplinary action such is the seriousness of this issue.
Pegasus requires every employee, contractor and supplier to operate to the highest ethical standards in every element of their activities for the business and avoid any instance of wrongful conduct.
Working for and with Pegasus is a privilege and we must all strengthen our commitment to act in an lawful ethical and inclusive way to ensure that the business continues to flourish and grow.
Managing Director Pegasus